Thursday, June 21, 2007

Life after The Sleaze

‘Hallebloodylujah! I have to skip lunch for a week and attend the service for four straight fucking Sundays. Can you fucking believe the fucking cheek?’ Sandeep did not even give Wench enough chance to close the door and turn on the music.


‘Why me lord? I am not even Christian for Chrissake.’

The chapel at The College had nothing and everything to do with Christianity. The Warden or ‘Chancellor Sir’ as he was called, the show runner of everything the college had to offer, prided on the secularity of it all. Even a theosophist had attended their very popular service once or so he claimed.
He was a Pentecostalist as he called himself.
Chancellor Sir did not believe rock music or yoga to be satanic. He wanted his students to grow into healthy, wealthy and wise citizens. He did not make it compulsory for every hostel resident to attend the service until they crossed their respective lines. Sandeep knew he did not like him. He had left in the middle of the year to live with some middle aged man. He had come back again.
He had been late more than once. Chancellor Sir did not know what other things he might be into but he could smell a rat when it was not afraid.

‘Anyway. Let not the one with the sick dick spoil our wonderful evening. Tell me about your hunky hunk. He seemed a bit slow.’

‘He’s Iranian.’

‘That’s no excuse for illiteracy.’

‘Fuck off Sandeep. He is not illiterate. He is already a graduate and now he is studying sociology and human rights in English at the South Bombay Snob Graduate School ’ Wench spoke in a single breath.

They cut like a knife
Cut into my life
The cool pink sheep of Sandeep’s Real Player™ was following every single beat and breath of Madonna.

‘Fine. It’s OK to fall in love with such a stud muffin and it’s definitely OK to utter your first ever Fuck Off. Now don’t bite your lower lip in that actress-y manner. It annoys me.’ Sandeep always kept a microscopic period between the O and K of his Oks.

Wench Boy rolled his eyes.

‘And and and and…I got good news for both of us.’ Sandeep nearly screamed, which was a spontaneous reaction on finding his voice muffled by the tight tee as it got stuck about his neck as he tried to peel it off.

Wench helped him.

‘I am gonna star in a little gay movie.’

‘Wow. Like wow.’

‘I know. And and and…If you are a little bit talented I may have a job for you.’

‘Oh my God. Ok that’s like a lot for a day. Tell me about the movie first.’

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